1 thought on “UN chief Ban Ki-moon condemns Taliban attack in Kabul

  1. UN plays double standards, in reality they know where these people get organized, trained, equipped and commanded and financially supported. UN has the responsibility to put pressure on those countries which support such groups, put sanctions and etc. Just to release a statement saying we condemn this act is not the mandate of UN. Taliban, Al-qaida, ISIS and so on are controllable groups created by certain Intelligence Agencies and used for their strategic interest. UN has in-depth understanding and studies of these groups but kept silent. UN doesn’t condemn the human rights violation and other violations which bring disorder committed by certain countries. For example, Pakistan conterminously and blending firing rockets on Afghanistan territories in east, south east and south resulting casualties of hundreds of civilians and hundred thousand of IDPs and damages of Afghan houses but their is no reaction from UN and even they don’t address the complaints submitted by Afghan Government.

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