Poverty and IgnoranceThere was not a grain of food within his home; his clothes too were ragged and worn. Not a soul would lend him money and labor was hard to come by. He was at a loss, what could he do? How could he find sustenance? After a great deal of pondering, he came out from his home and into the dark night. He had never stolen before which was why entered the home reluctantly, and after great hesitation, his heart conceded to the thievery.
He was fortunate this night, for the owner was fast asleep. He hastily collected some goods and fearfully rushed them home.
They say that the thief has no tranquility even within the mountains so what can he expect within a house?
He was haunted by the thought that if in the morning his home was searched, and these stolen goods discovered, he would spend years rotting in prison, a fate worse than that he currently possessed.
He saw no other recourse and within the corner of the room began digging a hole in which to bury his spoils. After an hour, however, he came upon a shaft filled with treasures of silver and gold. Upon seeing the hidden treasure the thief understood, that within the entire village no one was as wealthy as him, and yet no one had spent such nights in misery either.
Indeed, upon a trove of treasure he had spent his nights in hunger. He had everything in his home yet he remained oblivious and could not see all that he had. He could not comprehend that he was prosperous and that within his own home he possessed everything. In reality his poverty was his ignorance and nothing more.
Pity is warranted on a man who finds himself in such a situation. And if it is a nation that finds itself in such circumstance, then there is neither greater cause for pity nor a more miserable existence. The natural and intellectual talents of the oblivious remain hidden beneath the earth, just as the mines of an oblivious nation remain hidden and unutilized.
-Gulpacha Ulfat
Tr. M. Qaseem
ناداني او ناداري
په کور کې یې غله نه وه، جامې یې هم زړې او شکېدلې وې.
پور چا نه ورکاوه مزدوري نه پېدا کېده، حیران و چې څه وکړي او ډوډۍ ځانته څنګه پیداکړي؟
وروسته تر ډېرو اندېښنو له کوره راووت او شپه ډېره تیاره وه.
پخوا تر دې یې کله غلا نه وه کړې، ځکه زړه نا زړه په یوه کاله ننووت او پس له ډېر تردد نه یې غلا ته زړه ښه کړ.
په دغه شپه د ده بخت بیدار و، ځکه چې د کاله خاوند ویده و.
ده په بیړه، بیړه یو څه مال راټول کړ او په وېره وېره یې کور ته راووړ.
وايي چې د غله په غره کې ځای نه شته، نو پّ کاله کې به یې څه حال وي؟!
له ده سره دا سودا ډېره زیاته وه، چې که سبا ته یې خلک کور ولټوي او د غلا مال ترېنه ووځي، څو کاله به په جېل کې پروت وي او له دې نه به هم بدبخته وي.
ده بله چاره ونه لیده، د کوټې په یوه کونج کې یې د ځمکې په کینلو شروع وکړه، چې د غلا مال خوندي کړي، مګر یو ساعت وروسته تر خاورو لاندې یو داسې ګنج راښکاره شو چې د سرو او سپینو زورور دولت پکې پروت و.
کله چې دا پټه خزانه راښکاره شوه غل وپوهېده، چې په ټول کلي کې د ده غوندې بل بډای نه و او د ده غوندې د ذلت شپې هم بل چا نه دي تېري کړي.
هو! ده د خزانې له پاسه په ولږه شپې تېرولې، د ده په کاله کې هر څه وو مګر دی ناخبره و او خپل شته ورته نه وو معلوم.
دی نه پوهېده، چې زه ډېر لوی بډای یم او زما په کور کې هر څه شته.
د ده ناداري په حقیقت کې ناداني وه نور څه نه وو.
د دغسې سړي په حال افسوس په کار دی او که د یوه ملت دغه حال وي تر دې لویه بدبختي او د افسوس خبره بله نه شته.
د ناپوهانو فطري او معنوي استعداد همدغسې تر خاورو لاندې پټ پاتې کیږي لکه چې د ناپوهه ولس معدنونه پټ پاتې وي او څه کار ترېنه نه اخیستل کیږي.ي.